Volksbildnerische Grundlagen der Filmbeurteilung
Volksbildnerische Grundlagen der Filmbeurteilung
Gedanken aus einem Vortrag von Dr. Fritz Laack, Beisitzer der Filmkammern am Zentralinstitut für Erziehung und Unterricht in Berlin (subtitle)
Gedanken aus einem Vortrag von Dr. Fritz Laack, Beisitzer der Filmkammern am Zentralinstitut für Erziehung und Unterricht in Berlin (subtitle)
Excerpts from a lecture which takes as its starting point that the use of film in popular education has to face the fact that film is dictated by public tastes of the lowest kind. In popular education, therefore, film requires an artistic approach. This includes a unified composition, coherence, and a clear idea. As well it should stimulate thought, rather than appeal to emotions, by enlivening and deepening the phenomena recorded. And, finally, to be really educational it should have a certain measure of truthfulness and social relevance if it wants people to adopt the intellectual and religious values that popular education proposes.
Fritz Laak (Autor*in)
Der gute Film (ist Teil von) → (NonAVManifestation)