Kultur im Film
Steigerwald, Peter: Kultur im Film, in: Mein Film, H. 21/1946, 8–9.
Alma-ID: 21265667610003338
Alma-ID: 21287532330003338
Alma-ID: 21265667610003338
Alma-ID: 21287532330003338
Brief treatise on the art of the Kulturfilm, more specifically the Austrian Kulturfilm, which for too long has been dominated by German examples. Written after the 50th anniversary of film, it describes the long road to a truly filmic and artistic Kulturfilm, independent of the spoken word (i.e. unlike the so-called Vortragsfilm, comparable to the lantern show), but following its own aesthetic laws.
Peter Steigerwald (Autor*in)
Mein Film (ist Teil von) → (NonAVManifestation)